PROCEEDING 16th FDI – IDA CONTINUING DENTAL EDUCATION PROGRAMME “Professional Skill Development in Dentristry Toward Post – Pandemic Era”

Professional Skill Development in Dentristry Toward Post-Pandemic Era” is the theme of the 16th FDI – IDA CDEP in 2023. As is well known, the COVID-19 epidemic that struck between 2020 and the end of 2022 drastically altered people’s lives. Patient care has changed in the medical profession, and this is not an exception. This affects how dental and oral patients’ treatment regimens alter as well. In the post-pandemic age, adjustments are made to patient handling protocols in addition to swiftly evolving technical advancements.

Tim Penulis

UPT. Penerbit dan Percetakan

Universitas Sriwijaya 2023

Kampus Unsri Palembang

Jalan Srijaya Negara, Bukit Besar Palembang 30139

Telp. 0711-360969

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